Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Brian Fenimore- January 2022
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
In this episode, Brian Fenimore takes a look at the function of perseverance in our spiritual lives and how we can soak in God’s grace through it.
Presented on January 8, 2022
For more information please visit the Emmaus Fellowship website.
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Chris Austin- Book of James Series- Part 23
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
James 4: 13-17
“Listen, those of you who are boasting, “Today or tomorrow we’ll go to another city and spend some time and go into business and make heaps of profit!” But you don’t have a clue what tomorrow may bring. For your fleeting life is but a warm breath of air that is visible in the cold only for a moment and then vanishes! Instead you should say, “Our tomorrows are in the Lord’s hands and if he is willing we will live life to its fullest and do this or that.” But here you are, boasting in your ignorance, for to be presumptuous about what you’ll do tomorrow is evil! So if you know of an opportunity to do the right thing today, yet you refrain from doing it, you’re guilty of sin”
In this episode, we learn from James about how to dream for our future and be intentional about living our lives to the fullest without being presumptuous about God’s plans.
Presented on December 11, 2022
For more information please visit the Emmaus Fellowship website.
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Chris Austin- Book of James Series- Part 22
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
James 4: 8- 11
“Move your heart closer and closer to God, and he will come even closer to you. But make sure you cleanse your life, you sinners, and keep your heart pure and stop doubting. Feel the pain of your sin, be sorrowful and weep! Let your joking around be turned into mourning and your joy into deep humiliation. Be willing to be made low before the Lord and he will exalt you! Dear friends, as part of God’s family, never speak against another family member, for when you slander a brother or sister you violate God’s law of love. And your duty is not to make yourself a judge of the law of love by saying that it doesn’t apply to you, but your duty is to obey it!”
In this episode, Chris dives into some deep waters from the book of James, in which we are called to form an emotional connection with our need for transformation.
Presented on November 27, 2022
For more information please visit the Emmaus Fellowship website.
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Chris Austin- Book of James Series- Part 21
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
James 4: 5-8
“Does the Scripture mean nothing to you that says, “The Spirit that God breathed into our hearts is a jealous Lover who intensely desires to have more and more of us”? But he continues to pour out more and more grace upon us. For it says, “God resists you when you are proud but continually pours out grace when you are humble.” So then, surrender to God. Stand up to the devil and resist him and he will flee in agony. Move your heart closer and closer to God, and he will come even closer to you.”
In this episode, Chris brings a personal story that taught him how intimacy with God and intimate relationship with others is our greatest form of spiritual protection and warfare.
Presented on November 13, 2022
For more information please visit the Emmaus Fellowship website.
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Chris Austin- Book of James Series- Part 20
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
James 4: 4-6
“You have become spiritual adulterers who are having an affair, an unholy relationship with the world. Don’t you know that flirting with the world’s values places you at odds with God? Whoever chooses to be the world’s friend makes himself God’s enemy! Does the Scripture mean nothing to you that says, “The Spirit that God breathed into our hearts is a jealous Lover who intensely desires to have more and more of us”? But he continues to pour out more and more grace upon us. For it says, ‘God resists you when you are proud but continually pours out grace when you are humble.’”
Chris encourages us to examine our relationship with the world and blesses each of our journeys as we search for deeper intimacy with Jesus.
Presented on October 30, 2022
For more information please visit the Emmaus Fellowship website.
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Chris Austin- Book of James Series- Part 19
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
James 4:1-3
“What is the cause of your conflicts and quarrels with each other? Doesn’t the battle begin inside of you as you fight to have your own way and fulfill your own desires? You jealously want what others have so you begin to see yourself as better than others. You scheme with envy and harm others to selfishly obtain what you crave—that’s why you quarrel and fight. And all the time you don’t obtain what you want because you won’t ask God for it! And if you ask, you won’t receive it for you’re asking with corrupt motives, seeking only to fulfill your own selfish desires.”
In this episode, Chris talks about desire and the real role it plays in our lives. We are encouraged that we can be freed from our own personal hell through introspection and our relationship with God.
Presented on October 16, 2022
For more information please visit the Emmaus Fellowship website.
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Chris Austin- Book of James Series- Part 18
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
James 4:1
“What is the cause of your conflicts and quarrels with each other? Doesn’t the battle begin inside of you as you fight to have your own way and fulfill your own desires?”
In this episode, we talk about bringing all parts of your heart to Jesus and letting God inform your self-talk.
Presented on October 2, 2022
For more information please visit the Emmaus Fellowship website.
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Chris Austin- Book of James Series- Part 17
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
James 3:17-18
“...wisdom from above is always pure, filled with peace, considerate and teachable. It is filled with love and never displays prejudice or hypocrisy in any form and it always bears the beautiful harvest of righteousness! Good seeds of wisdom’s fruit will be planted with peaceful acts by those who cherish making peace.”
In this episode, we discuss the manifestation of peace that comes through wisdom. May you have a revelation of what peace really means for you as you pursue wisdom from above.
Presented on September 25, 2022
For more information please visit the Emmaus Fellowship website.
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Chris Austin- Book of James Series- Part 16
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
James 3:12-18
“Is it possible that fresh and bitter water can flow out of the same spring? So neither can a bitter spring produce fresh water. If you consider yourself to be wise and one who understands the ways of God, advertise it with a beautiful, fruitful life guided by wisdom’s gentleness. Never brag or boast about what you’ve done and you’ll prove that you’re truly wise. But if there is bitter jealousy or competition hiding in your heart, then don’t deny it and try to compensate for it by boasting and being phony. For that has nothing to do with God’s heavenly wisdom but can best be described as the wisdom of this world, both selfish and devilish. So wherever jealousy and selfishness are uncovered, you will also find many troubles and every kind of meanness. But the wisdom from above is always pure, filled with peace, considerate and teachable. It is filled with love and never displays prejudice or hypocrisy in any form and it always bears the beautiful harvest of righteousness! Good seeds of wisdom’s fruit will be planted with peaceful acts by those who cherish making peace.”
In this episode, we are encouraged that there is wisdom from above and it is contrasted with the wisdom of the world. One brings life and one does not. That being what it is, we can walk in step with the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and let gentleness rule our hearts.
Presented on September 11, 2022
For more information please visit the Emmaus Fellowship website.
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Chris Austin- Book of James Series- Part 15
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
“We all fail in many areas, but especially with our words. Yet if we’re able to bridle the words we say we are powerful enough to control ourselves in every way, and that means our character is mature and fully developed. Horses have bits and bridles in their mouths so that we can control and guide their large body. And the same with mighty ships, though they are massive and driven by fierce winds, yet they are steered by a tiny rudder at the direction of the person at the helm. And so the tongue is a small part of the body yet it carries great power! Just think of how a small flame can set a huge forest ablaze. And the tongue is a fire! It can be compared to the sum total of wickedness and is the most dangerous part of our human body. It corrupts the entire body and is a hellish flame! It releases a fire that can burn throughout the course of human existence. For every wild animal on earth including birds, creeping reptiles, and creatures of the sea and land have all been overpowered and tamed by humans, but the tongue is not able to be tamed. It’s a fickle, unrestrained evil that spews out words full of toxic poison! We use our tongue to praise God our Father and then turn around and curse a person who was made in his very image! Out of the same mouth, we pour out words of praise one minute and curses the next. My brothers and sisters, this should never be! Would you look for olives hanging on a fig tree or go to pick figs from a grapevine? Is it possible that fresh and bitter water can flow out of the same spring? So neither can a bitter spring produce fresh water.” James 3:2-12
In this episode, we are empowered to see our potential for good as well as evil. And we are encouraged to create congruency between our internal heart and what we speak to the world around us.
Presented on August 14, 2022
For more information please visit the Emmaus Fellowship website.